HEALTH AND HERBS – Sherwood forest
A Herbal Expedition into Sherwood Forest into the north-eastern John Crow Mountains of east Portland. Fed from multiple cultures, Amerindian/African and Indian traditions in the main, are treatments for diabetes, forms of cancer, hypertension and high blood pressure, back pains, urinary infections, erectile, prostate and menstrual challenges, sinusitis, stoppage of water, sore foot, colds, and coughs… the list goes on and on.
But our forests hold much more... herbs to run duppy, tie a lover, and bring good luck, or add flavor and spice to the pot…. all just few of the benefits locked into this traditional knowledge that has formed the backbone of preventative and curative health and culinary practices for generations.
Today this traditional knowledge and their caretakers, like the forests, are under threat and are fast disappearing; join us in giving life to the tradition, come share in this knowledge, sample and enter this world of natural cure
Take home with you not only the herbs of your choice .. but some of the knowledge as well ... yes the know-how .. preparation, the time of year, moon cycles and the side of the tree to strip the bark from..
But our forests hold much more... herbs to run duppy, tie a lover, and bring good luck, or add flavor and spice to the pot…. all just few of the benefits locked into this traditional knowledge that has formed the backbone of preventative and curative health and culinary practices for generations.
Today this traditional knowledge and their caretakers, like the forests, are under threat and are fast disappearing; join us in giving life to the tradition, come share in this knowledge, sample and enter this world of natural cure
Take home with you not only the herbs of your choice .. but some of the knowledge as well ... yes the know-how .. preparation, the time of year, moon cycles and the side of the tree to strip the bark from..
Jimmy Maroon Herbalist - Sherwood Forest
Highly educational experience, Jimmy shares the ancestral knowledge of natural cures that abound in the forests of the national park.
(A Discovery and Exploration of the Medicinal Plants of the BLUE & JOHN CROW MOUNTAINS NATIONAL PARK)Degree of Difficulty 6/10 - average fitness required
Great tour for college and university students
Great Tour for College and University Students as there is so much to learn as the hike is punctuated ever so often with encounters of interesting plant varieties followed by a discourse on their medicinal and cultural uses,…..
Exploratory Adventure into the rain forests of the national parkThe high rainfall produced by the northeast trade winds promotes a luxuriant understorey and strong canopy that adds to the “jungle” mystique one experiences on entering Sherwood Forest..
Closer to nature the closer to creation and abundant health … |
COST: (Minimum of 3 persons) US$130.00/person (3 persons) US$100.00/person (4-6 persons) US$85.00/person (7-10 persons) US$65.00/person 11+ Persons) Includes:
MAP - Alps, northern Trelawny
For reservations and tour inquiries (Rates and details)
Online Tours and Transfers Limited, (Managers of the Sun Venture Tours Brand) Tel +1-876 469 4444 pr +1-876 408 6973 Email: [email protected] |