Bird Watching Calendar December - March Many visiting summer and winter migrants - singing & nesting activity widespread - (number of bird species in Jamaica almost doubles in the winter months due to the arrival of North American migrants) February - June Great time to go birding as it is the breeding season for local birds (Winter migrants leave by the end of May) August - September Hunting Season - Not a good time for birds or birdwatchers. In Jamaica almost all birds and eggs are protected by law - (Wild Life Protection Act) Excluded are a few game birds - The National Environmental Planning Agency (NEPA) is the agency responsible for environmental matters such as the issuing of shooting permits |
A. Blue Mountains - migrants & natives B. Cockpit Country - Parrots & Mocking Birds C. Hellshire Hills & Salt Ponds (St. Catherine) - Shore Birds TOUR SUMMARY
For reservations and tour inquiries (Rates and details)
Online Tours and Transfers Limited, (Managers of the Sun Venture Tours Brand) Tel +1-876 469 4444 pr +1-876 408 6973 Email: [email protected] |